miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2011

A Whiter Shade of Pale

A wither shade of pale

Procol harum

We skipped the light fandango

Turned cartwheels cross the floor

I was feeling kind of seasick

The crowd called out for more

The room was humming harder

As the ceiling flew away

When we called out for another drink

But the waiter brought a tray

And so it was later

As the miller told his tale

That her face at first just ghostly

Turned a whiter shade of pale

You said there is no reason

And the truth is plain to see

But I wander through my playing cards

And would not let it be

I'm one of the sixteen virgins

Who are leaving for the coast

And although my eyes were open

They might just as well been closed

And so it was later

As the miller told his tale

That her face at first just ghostly

Turned a whiter shade of pale

Ajeno al escenario

Y al tumulto en rededor

En silencio te miraba

Refrenando mi emoción

Y la estancia se agitaba

Como presintiendo el final

Pedimos otra copa más

Y un mozo nos atendió

Y fue más tarde que

El molinero declamó

Cuando tu rostro fantasmal

Derramó su palidez

Dijiste que era inútil

Por eso de tu condición

Pude ver que en cada instante

Se borraba algo de ti

Las otras vírgenes vestales

partían ya hacia la costa

tan sólo mis ojos tristes

te retienen frente a mí

Y fue más tarde que

El molinero declamó

Cuando tu rostro fantasmal

Derramó su palidez